But, Baby looks good... albeit big, but healthy, and lazy with a big head. Wonder who baby's taking after there... lol Baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead, so approx 29 weeks instead of the 27 it should be measuring. We did get confirmation that IT'S A BOY, so that's one good thing that came out of the ultrasound. They also told me that my placenta is up high in my uterus which could be why I am not feeling as much movement this time around. When he moves though, I can already see it through my tummy. Baby is breech as well, not only breech, but "butt first" as the tech said, so between that and the big head, I think its probably a good thing that I will most likely be having a c-section. My blood pressure is still looking good and my weight gain is still at approx 0 for the whole pregnancy (I lost 10ish lbs in the first month or so and then have been slowly gaining it back, although my weight gain for the last month is ZERO!) I now go every two weeks to see the OB, but I also got the "bad news" that I have to go EVERY WEEK for an ultrasound from here on out... I am confused as to why because everything looks fine... guess I will just be glad I get to see baby frequently... but man will I get tired of seeing that office by the time I am done!

So, I guess all is going as good as can be expected on that front. Tommy is mostly recovered from his gallbladder surgery. And, we are potty training Natalie!! She is doing excellent, she has absolutely NO accidents when running around bare bum. Now, we are going to transition her to big girl panties and see if she can master that. She still will be using pull-ups for nap and night time, but hey.. its progress!
Speaking of pull-ups, we got really lucky this weekend. I found an ad on CVS.com advertising Pampers Easy Ups for 8.99 and you got $5 ECB back (basically, cash to use in store... which I will turn around and use on another awesome sale.. I go EVERY Sunday!). So, that's 3.99 a package before my coupons... I ended up getting 3 packs basically free. Actually, the ad was an error on CVS's part, but thankfully they honored it for anyone who had purchased before they pulled the ad! :)
Pampers 8.99 - $1 coupon
Pampers 8.99 - $1 coupon
Pampers 8.99
Bayer 2.00 - $1 coupon
Candy for Natalie .88
Filler caramel .33
- $10 off $30 purchase CVS coupon
= approx $18 on my debit card
Got back $5 x 3 ($15) ECB for pampers and $2 ECB for the bayer (raincheck)
So, I got all the diapers, plus the other items for about a dollar!! Sweet deal!
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