28 weeks today! We have another ultrasound tomorrow, these weekly ultrasounds could make for a long rest of the pregnancy! We were planning to do the 3D ultrasound sometime around 30 weeks, but when I called to schedule they said with the baby measuring big we should do it now! So, for my birthday we doing a 3D ultrasound of baby #2! We already know its a boy, but are curious to see if he looks anything like Natalie. We did compare the 2D ultrasounds and we see very similar bone structure for the two babies... so who knows! I will be speechless if we have another fair skinned blue eyed baby though!
For those of you who can understand ultrasounds, compare these two pictures, do you see similarities in bone structure? The first is Natalie, the second is the new baby. Of course one is a scan and one is a file taken from our ultrasound CD, so the quality is a bit different...

In unrelated news, we had a problem with the Taurus about a week ago, it was leaking fluid, which was reddish in color, come to find out it was transmission fluid! While the car is relatively new (2006) and we bought an aftermarket warranty it didn't help us much in this care, because the repair was the same as the deductible. What is annoying is that the auto tech told me that it was a problem with the way the vent in the transmission works, so you would think it would be a recall issue and fixed for free, but of course we never get that lucky... it would have been fixed with a new car warranty, but alas, it was a year old car when we got it... sucks though as we would have easily been inside the new car warranty time period!
Though, in this bad news we had a really positive potty training experience... I was out ALL day with Natalie. I put her in a pull up and we made it home dry! She told me twice she had to go potty and the third time I just figured she needed to go and she did! It was exciting!
Yesterday we got our verizon FIOS service installed, and of course Tommy is excited about that. I could care less, to me, as long as I have internet I am happy! But, we all know Tommy needs to have the best possible! It took from around noon to 5 pm which was annoying but, at least its done! And in a month we will be receiving our $150 cash back reward for switching.. woohoo!
My birthday is on a Thursday this year, which I was disappointed about before because it was one of my babysitting days, but now I am no longer babysitting (the other babysitter they use is about as pregnant as me and no longer wants to work so instead of finding someone for the other 3 days they decided to put the Addie in daycare...) So, I will probably be relaxing on my birthday. Most likely we will go out to dinner at Bandido's (our local Mexican restaurant that gives a free birthday meal!) and then renting a movie from the redbox! Exciting plans I know, but hey it gets me out of the house so I am happy..
I am sure I am forgetting something I wanted to update about, but Natalie is getting cranky...