Monday, July 24, 2006

Tommy is on his first (of many?) business trips. He left yesterday morning and made it to Washington DC last night - he and his boss have meetings all day today and some meetings on Tuesday. Then, they will be in New York (I assume they will travel there on Wednesday) for more meetings. They are supposed to be back sometime late Friday night.

I knew when he got the job here in Fort Wayne he would have to travel, I just didnt think it would be so soon - I am not used to our place yet and its kind of scary being here alone! Thankfully, I do have the puppy and he seems to sense that I am a bit on edge, he follows me around and lays right at my feet.

I have started looking for jobs even though I am not sure what I want to do with myself. My degrees are in Business and Economics but I dont really want to work in that cut-throat environment. Before college, I wanted to be the CEO of some big company, I know I have what it takes to do it, but I am not willing to sacrifice my time with Tommy and, in the future, our children. I have this feeling I want to be a teacher, but we obviously cant afford for me to go back to school right now and not work - so I am hoping to find something for a little while. If I could find assistant positions or something that would be ideal because it would allow me to get into the classroom and get a feel for whether or not its really what I want to do. I know its not easy, but it would give me the hours I am looking for as well as allow me to do something that really means somehing to me - work with and help children. I also considered looking into vet work, but more and more I realize thats not for me. As much as I love animals I dont think I could do the "dirty work."

The best part of all this is that because Tommy loves his job so much, he understands not wanting to "just go to work" everyday. He is supporting me in my quest to find my ideal job - I just wish it would be easier to get to where I want to be career wise.

While I struggle to figure out where I want to go with my career, I have been working hard trying to get puppy well trained. He does tricks and behaves for the most part, but he is still a puppy. Everyone had been recommending that I read "Cesar's Way" by Cesar Milan (hes the dog whisperer on tv). I received the book the other day and read it cover to cover in one sitting. Alot of the info is very basic, common sense, type advice; however, I think that reading the book ties up loose ends and will help alot. I can't wait for Tommy to read it when he gets back, I think it will help him a ton since he hasn't had much experience with dogs. I did look into puppy training classes at our local PetsMart, but was turned off about the training philosophies they were sharing with me. If this book doesn't help I will seek out private puppy lessons. While hes not a bad dog, I want a well behaved dog so that when we have children there will be no worries.

That's all thats been going on here, nothing too exciting... unfortunately work gets in the way of that. LOL

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