Friday, February 09, 2007

10 weeks and counting

I have about 10 weeks left if I give birth around my estimated due date. It is hard to believe that I will be at 30 weeks pregnant tomorrow.

Tommy and I have been very busy getting our lives ready for our new baby. His car recently broke down for good and we purchased a new car - well, relatively at least its a 2006 Ford Taurus. It was previously used as a rental car so it was well maintained and is practically new minus a few cosmetic things on the drivers seat. I am loving driving around in that car, its alot easier to get in and out of than my old Cavalier. During the bad weather he's driving my car and I am driving the newer one, once the snow melts and the weather warms up we are going to switch back and forth as to who gets to drive the new one!

At 28 weeks we had another ultrasound, baby is still a girl! She looks so much like her daddy! I wonder if she will look the same when shes born. Surprisingly, she didn't appear to have chubby cheeks like most of the 3D ultrasounds I have seen... the tech said that some babies are just smaller than others.

Next weekend is our baby shower and I look forward to seeing all of our family! I need to get the nursery set up and cleaned out so that any of our new things can go in there until baby decides to join us.

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